Next Baptisms

Coming in March - Dates: TBA

 Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Be Baptized?

A simple reason why Christians should be baptized is because it follows the example that Jesus set for us when he himself was baptized (Mark 1:9–11). Jesus also instructed his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

What Is The Meaning Of Baptism?

Baptism is the picture of forgiveness and new life in Christ. When a person is baptized, they are identifying (in faith) with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The water represents how faith in Jesus cleanses believers of their sin. Coming up out of the water represents Jesus’ resurrection – new life! (Romans 6:4)

Why Be Baptized By Immersion?

We baptize by immersion because we want to be a church that does biblical things in biblical ways. In the language that the Bible was originally written in, the word for “baptize” literally means “to dip” or “immerse” (Acts 8:38–39). Immersion also best represents the burial and resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6:4).

What About Children?

Here at Calvary we do not baptize infants, but dedicate them to the Lord. And when a child is old enough to understand who Jesus is and what he did on the cross for the forgiveness of sin (usually around 7 to 8 yrs), we love to see them trust Jesus as their Savior and obey him by being baptized. Please see your child’s Calvary Kids leader at church if interested.

When Should I Be Baptized?

The Bible teaches that baptism accompanies the decision to follow Jesus, so as soon as you believe and trust Jesus as your savior, you should be baptized (Acts 8:12).

Baptism Highlights